Banking & Finance Courses
The Fintelligence Course Catalogue consists of onsite-programs and online-modules in the four main areas of expertise:
- Managerial and Business Skills
- Client Management Skills
- Financial Products & Investment Management
- Ethics, Legal, Compliance & Risk
All programs and online modules contain assessments and tests and are available in several languages, primarily in English, French, German and Italian.
Managerial and Business Skills
Business Strategy (3)
- Creating Blue Oceans (sustainable competitve advantages) and analyze tools and frameworks
- Reconstruct market boundaries
- Focus on the picture, not the numbers
- Reach beyond existing demand
- Get the strategic sequence right
- Overcome key organizational hurdles
- Buid execution into strategy
- Conclusion: Sustainability and renewal of Blue Ocean strategy
- Methods to invent and introduction to out-of-the-box thinking
- Methods to anticiapte and solve problems
- Business case: Innovative strategic decision
- Work on action plan for own solution
- Judgement and choice biases (framing, endowment bias, availability bias, heuristics, anchoring, mental accounting)
- Consuming statistical data (biases samples, regression to the mean, correlation and causation)
- Decisions under risk (measurement of utility, risk aversion, prospect theory)
- Decisions under uncertainty (subjective probability, causality, the sure thing principle)
- Red flags and safeguards
- Pulling it all together
IT Skills (5)
- Customising quick access toolbar
- Navigation
- Importing data
- Data management and analysis
- Logical statements
- Data mining with Excel
- Charting, including bridge charts
- Goal seek
- Conditional optimisation using solver
- Spreadsheet auditing and debugging
- Quick tour of key features
- Customising quick access toolbar
- Creating folders to improve productivity
- Working with Tasks
- Working with Calendar
- E-mail etiquette
- Custom formulae and functions
- Recording macros
- Creating macros from scratch
- Forms, buttons and drop-down menus
- Debugging VBA code
- Quick tour of key features
- Creating a presentation from a Word document
- Formatting slides, text, shapes and images
- Using tables, charts, Smart Art and Media
- Using content from other presentations
- Case studies
Leadership Skills (6)
- Analysis of target group and desired outcomes of communication
- Selection of media and styles of communication
- Application of communication strategy in a given context
- Presentation skills and practicing opportunities
- Go through a systematic approach and become master of your own business
- Segment your market and build a end user profile (persona)
- Product / services specialisation and value proposition
- Define your core and chart your competitve position
- Do the calculations and design your business model (incl. pricing)
- Calculate the life time value of acquired customer and the cost of customer acquisiton
- Develop a product plan in detail
- Start communications of your offering
- Leadership practices – how to be effective as a leader and manager
- Receive feedback from team leaders
- Model the way
- Inspire a shared vision
- Challenge the process
- Enable others to act and to deliver
- Encourage the hearts
- Bring it all together
- The principles of coaching (the art of inquiring, goal setting and reality testing)
- The practice of coaching (learning and enjoyment, motivation and self-belief, feedback and assessment) and mentoring
- Leadership for high performance
- Transformation through transpersonal coaching
- Benefits of managing and maintaining a professional network
- Ways of networking (physical, digital) and ways of getting introduced to further parties
- Map your own network of stakeholders
- Individual action plan
- What are the key elements of effective training and learning? How do adults learn best?
- How to overcome barriers to learning – how to create a long lasting learning impact (incl. learning transfer)
- How to engage participants and design/facilitate an effective training session
- Communication and presentation skills
Management Techniques (12)
- What are difficult conversations? How to master difficult conversations?
- Start with heart, learn to look, make it safe
- State my path, explore others paths
- Move to action, putting it all together
- Practice and receive feedback from others
- Phases of business meeting
- Analysis of stakeholders of meetings; chairing of meetings
- Planning and preparating of meetings (setting the agenda right)
- Conducting and facilitating the meeting
- Smart follow up (hold stakeholders responsible)
- Sources and causalities of stress
- Ways of handling stress effectively
- Become stress-resilient and resourceful in future situations
- Analysis of individual situations and action plan
- Separate appreciation, coaching, and evaluation
- Understand benefits of receiving and giving feedback
- Understand and see your blind spots
- Do not switchtrack
- Dimantle distortions and cultivate a growth identity
- Get going, pull together, learn and move ahead
- Understand styles of business writing and their purpose
- Understand target audience and goal of communication
- Choice of vocabulary and style
- Facts versus opinions / feelings
- Ways of planning and setting priorities
- Checking on your actual and future resources
- Setting individual priorities consciously and realistically, explore potential conflicts
- Develop action plan
- Understanding the business of banking and finance
- Expectations from the bank and the business (incl. ethics, code of conduct)
- Business etiquette
- Setting priorities and action plan
- Self management (how to set priorities, understand your strengths and weaknesses)
- What is delegation – models of effective delegation
- The line manager and delegation
- Delegation, instruction and monitoring (skill / will matrix, key elements of delegation)
- The planning of delegation (trust and delegation)
- Recuritment process and job profiles
- Various difficulties of selection
- Competencies, experiences, and potential
- Questioning techniques and evidences
- Asking smart follow up questions
- Interviewing for motivational fit
- Data integration and making conclusions
- Insights into talent development (e.g. potential vs. individual performance)
- Evaluate and position your team’s talents, profile their performance and potential
- Understand the goals that have been set for the individual talents and evaluate the demonstrated behaviors
- Check on the talents’ ability to learn, career aspiration, engagement, motivation and resilience
- Prepare the appraisal and talent conversation and anticipate feedback from talents
- Define appropriate actions and set next milestones
- Understanding development measures (incl. coaching and mentoring)
- Differences between leadership and management
- Typical roles of team members and team dynamics
- Situational leadership
- The “what happened” conversation, the feeling conversation and create a learning conversation
- Seperate the people from the problem
- Focus on interestes of the parties and not on their positions
- Action plan
- Pitfalls in projects
- Roles and responsibilities in projects and stakeholder management, project governance, project sponsor and organization
- Excellence in planning and setting appropriate goals
- Projects and change
- Financial analysis
- Project crisis, does and don’ts
- Tools and instruments
- Action points and next steps
Client Management Skills
Personal Skills (4)
- Introduction to various styles of personality and communication
- Obtain extensive feedback on own personality and communication styles and behaviour preferences from superiors, colleagues, and clients
- Introduction to Johari’s Window – plan, practice with colleagues and / or line manager
- Develop follow up and action plan
- Perspectives on trust (What is the Trusted Advisor? Earning trust, how to give advice – sincerity or technique)
- The process of trust building (the trust equation, the development of trust, engagement, the art of listening, framing the issue, envisioning an alternate reality, commitment)
- Putting trust to work (different client types, re-earning trust from the current deal, the case of cross-selling, the quick-impact to gain trust)
- Practice and follow up
- Introduction to personality typology and benefits of their use by relationship manager
- Identification of personality profiles, their differences and the associated behaviour and communication preferences
- Recognize own personality profile and own preferred behavioral and communication style
- Peculiarities of communication between people of various profiles
- Ways of adapting own communication style in relations to clients (various profiles)
- Categorization of own clients according to personality typlogy and definition of the next steps in dialogue with clients
- Aspiring to be resilient and agile in various perspectives
- Leveraging on self-awareness, self-regard, and self-actualization
- Increasing emotional expression, independence, and assertivness
- Building up interpersonal relationships, empathy, and social responsibility
- Master in stress management (flexibility, stress tolerance and optimisim)
- Move ahead in reality testing, problem solving and impulse control
Post-Sales Skills (4)
- Analyze client book and prospect pipeline
- Propose adequate solutions
- Negotiating the deal
- Create a win-win and consequence selling
- Handling objections – working through pain points
- From rapport to relationship, gaining commitment
- Practical sessions to apply learnings
- Create client strategies to deepen and broaden relationships with clients
- Implement tailored communication plans that secure client relationships and help to spot additional opportunities
- Create and implement an individual system for renewing clients’ situations regularly to create opportunities
- Recognize when clients are at risk of leaving bank and take appropriate counteraction
- Convert customer complaints into opportunities to increase client satisfaction
- Leverage satisfied clients to gain referrals
- Analysis of current client base and prospect pipeline
- Exploration of networking opportunities and referrals via current client base, creating your strategic network map
- Methods of networking and introductions to prospects
- Analysis of current client base, product penetration, and sensitivity to price
- Explore opportunities with existing clients and check potential product bundles, sharing best practices
- Develop action plan how to cross-sell with current clients
Pre-Sales Skills (3)
- What are your USP (Unique Selling Propositions)?
- What are the USP of your institutions?
- Reflect on these specific areas and present to colleagues
- Practice and develop a convincing introductory sales pitch, video tape
- Receive feedback from colleagues, action plan how to move ahead
- Communicate with high impact at client meetings (inital and follow up meetings)
- Effectively acquire new clients through cold leads, warm leads, and hot leads
- Understand how to positively position offering to clients
- Understand how to argue with benefits in conversations with clients and present client a variety of opportunities
- Be prepared to face objections and understand how to respond
- Role play and obtain helpful inputs to develop your own practice
- Understanding current client base (profiling of clients) in terms of current / future profitability and other indicators
- Understanding current and anticipate future client needs (incl. interviewing techniques and active listening)
- Map the client base of the future with clear forecasts of revenues and product penetration
Sales Techniques (5)
- How to interact with clients and how to obtain information that is important for the setting up of the relationship to the client
- Benefits of using open / clarifying / probing questions – understanding and practicing
- The various ways of communicating and listing (roles of communicator and listener)
- Active listening vs. other ways of listening
- The benefits and barriers of active listening
- Practice questioning techniques and active listening
- High impact communication (target group, channels, tone and frequency; belief, energy and invovlement)
- How other see you, how you see others
- Creating your personal brand
- Persuasion tools and techniques
- Action plan and next steps
- Understanding of revenue streams for various client groups
- Understanding current and future revenues
- Analyzing current client book and prospect pipeline
- Develop strategy for prioritization and acquisition strategies for various client groups
- Develop action plan with concrete follow up activities
- Look at various phases of the preparation
- Review information on client that you already gathered so far
- Do additional research from various sources
- Know and practice personal introduction (incl. bank and investment approach)
- Plan the structure of the meeting and the agenda
- Identify areas you want to explore OPEN questions and conduct structured interview questionnaire
- Separate people from problem
- Focus on interests of the parties and not on their positions
- Invent options for mutual gain (in order to achieve win-win)
- Define objective criteria that allow you to assess “good and / or acceptable solution”
- Practice with actual examples from your professional practice
Financial Products & Investment Management
Fixed income investments (9)
- Function of the interest rate and essential characteristics of interest rates
- Submarkets for fixed income investments
- Basic features of a bond
- How bonds are issued in the primary market
- Trading of bonds in the secondary market
- Relationship between yields and bond prices
- Calculation of bond yields
- Time value of money and compound interest
- Conventional bond pricing
- Term structure of interest rates
- Interest rate risk and duration
- Difference between capital and money markets
- Essential features of money markets
- Money market instruments
- Use and suitability of money market instruments in client portfolios
- Bond issuers (corporate, sovereign, supranational, emerging markets)
- Bond types (vanilla bonds, convertible bonds, bonds with warrants, floating rate notes, medium term notes)
- Valuation of convertible bonds
- Secured vs. unsecured bonds
- Seniority of creditors
- Fixed vs. floating charge
- Subordinated bonds
- Contingent convertible (co-co) bonds
- Securitisation – asset backed securities and mortgage backed securities
- Foreign bonds, Eurobonds and dual-currency bonds
- Callable bonds
- Green bonds
- Issuance of bonds
- Direct vs. intermediated issues
- Private placement
- Offers for subscription
- Issuance by auction
- Bond issuance process (mandate, forming syndicate, underwriting, allocation, listing)
- Selecting appropriate strategy based on client suitability
- Client ability and willingness to take risk
- Bond strategies by risk, liquidity and expected return
- Tax aspects
- Components of fixed income returns – income and capital gains
- Accrued interest
- Bond strategies in low interest environments
- Conventional bond valuation
- Arbitrage-free valuation, using spot rates
- Clean price, dirty (full) price and accrued interest
- Daycount conventions for calculation of accrued interest
- Case study: Confirming the price of a corporate bond from Refinitiv / Bloomberg screen
- Motivation for securitisation
- Classification of instruments by type of securitised asset (RMBS, CMBS, ABS)
- Mechanics of securitisation
- Tranche structures (by payment priority, by prepayment / extension risk, by interest structure)
- Case studies of recent issues
Equities (5)
- What is a share?
- Rights of shareholders
- Definition and key principles of corporate governance
- Types of shares (ordinary, preference, convertible preference)
- Issuance of shares
- Rights issues
- Share splits and reverse splits
- Share buybacks
- Primary vs. secondary markets for shares
- Methods of issuing shares
- IPO process
- Listing and secondary market trading of shares
- Order types
- Off-exchange trading
- Equity indices (major indices, weighing methods, total return vs. price indices)
- Principles of company valuation
- Asset-based valuation (role of goodwill in company valuation)
- Cash-flow based valuation (dividend discount models, DCF models)
- The average value (combined) method
- Comparison of fundamental, technical and behavioral analysis
- Top-down fundamental analysis (macroeconomic analysis, industry analysis, company analysis)
- The concept of intrinsic value
- Dividend discount models vs. relative valuation (multiplier) approaches
- Key ratios in equity analysis (PE, PEG, Shiller PE ratio, cash-flow based ratios, EV / EBITDA)
- Principles of technical analysis
- Principles of behavioral analysis
- Role of equity investments in portfolios
- Suitability of equities based on client profile
- Equities and currency risk
- Trading frequency and role of transaction costs and taxes
- Diversification
- Active and passive equity strategies
- Economic cycle
- Cyclical vs. defensive shares
Portfolio Management (7)
- Calculation of returns (simple yield, time-weighted rate of return, capital-weighted rate of return, annualisation of returns)
- Definition and calculation of risk (volatility, normal distribution, skewness and kurtosis)
- Systematic vs. specific risk
- Role of diversification in reducing risk
- Correlation and its effect on diversification
- The efficient frontier and the capital market line
- Introduction to the capital asset pricing model and beta as a measure of risk
- Risk-adjusted performance measures (Jensen’s alpha, Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio)
- The investment process (planning, execution and feedback)
- The importance of asset allocation in portfolio risk and returns
- Strategic vs. tactical asset allocation
- Optimal allocation based on client profile
- Benchmarking
- Tactical asset allocation
- Active vs. passive portfolio management
- Market efficiency and active strategies
- Top-down vs. bottom-up strategies
- Execution of asset allocation decisions
- Performance measurement (tracking error, information ratio)
- Typical portfolio strategies (capital protection, capital growth, balanced, income, long-term growth)
- The core-satellite approach
- Case studies (selecting most appropriate strategy based on client profile)
- Obtaining data and verifying reliability
- Selecting calculation methodology based on use and external cash flows (TWRR, MWRR, Linked-IRR)
- Selecting appropriate benchmarks
- Adjusting returns for risk – risk adjusted performance measurement
- Evaluation of benchmark appropriateness
- Selecting appropriate attribution methodology (micro attribution, macro attribution, fixed income attribution, multiperiod return attribution)
- Understanding impact of investment decisions on performance (market timing, allocation, security selection)
- Factors affecting liabilities
- Calculating PV of fixed and inflation-sensitive liabilities
- Matching liabilities using securities and derivatives
- Implementation
Macroeconomic aspects (5)
- The importance of the macroeconomic environment on investment risk and returns
- The circular flow of the economy
- Measuring macroeconomic output
- Loss of purchasing power; measuring inflation
- Nominal vs. real prices and interest rates
- Analysing savings and investments
- Functions of money
- Measuring the money supply
- Determinants of supply and demand for money
- Monetary policy and the role of the central bank
- Understanding mechanisms of monetary policy
- Central banks’ approach to monetary policy
- Implication of inflation and deflation on economic growth
- Measures of economic growth
- Definition and tools of fiscal policy
- Supply- and demand-driven fiscal policy
- Government finances and national debt
- Case study: The Maastricht Treaty and indebtedness of EU member countries
- Definition and components of balance of payments
- The current account
- Interaction of current account and national savings and investments
- Fiscal vs. current account deficits
- How to manage current account deficits
- Exchange rate regimes (flexible, controlled float, pegging, monetary union)
- Determinants of exchange rates
- Real vs. nominal exchange rates
- Impact of exchange rates on the wider economy
Derivatives (11)
- What are derivatives?
- Key types of derivatives explained (forwards, futures, swaps and options)
- Where and how can derivatives be traded
- Uses of derivatives in portfolio management
- Assessing suitability of derivatives for clients
- Understanding option types (call vs. put options, long and short positions)
- Option expiry types (American vs. European)
- How to decide if / when to exercise option
- Option position payoff profiles
- Calculating profits / losses of option positions
- Components of option premiums (intrinsic value, time value)
- Determinants of option values (price of the underlying, income, time to expiry, interest rates, volatility)
- Which factors are most important for call and put options
- Sensitivity of option values to changes in factors
- Intrinsic (fair) vs. theoretical (time) value of options
- Valuation of options using the Black-Scholes formula
- Valuation of options using Excel and other options calculators
- Put-call parity
- What are option indicators?
- Static vs. dynamic indicators
- Importance of static indicators (premium, leverage, break-even)
- Importance of dynamic indicators (Delta, Gamma, Vega, Theta, Rho, Omega)
- Matching market opinions to derivative strategies
- Four basic option strategies
- Hedging and speculating with options
- Directional and volatility bets
- Yield enhancement strategies
- Four key uses of options (speculation, hedging, return enhancement, arbitrage)
- Option spreads and combinations (bull and bear spreads, straddles and strangles)
- Use of options in client portfolios
- Digital options; their definitions and risk-return profiles (binary options, all-or-nothing options)
- Path dependent options; their definitions and risk-return profiles (barrier options, Asian options)
- Rainbow options; their definitions and risk-return profiles (outperformance options, best-of options, worst-of options)
- Definition of swaps
- Swap terminology
- Trading of swaps (role of central counterparties, Standardisation of contracts)
- Types of swaps (interest rate swaps, commodity swaps, currency swaps, credit default swaps)
- Principles of pricing and valuation of swaps
- Using swaps to hedge interest rate exposures
- Using swaps to speculate
- Using swaps to change asset allocation
- Creating synthetic portfolios using swaps
- Definition of volatility
- Historic vs. implied vs. realised volatility
- Sensitivity of options to volatility
- Volatility-related instruments
- Is volatility a comprehensive measure of risk?
Investment funds (4)
- Different types of investment funds (collective investment schemes) in Switzerland, EU and the UK
- Open vs. closed investment schemes
- How to pick the most appropriate fund structure for your clients
- Fund strategies – active vs. passive
- Equity fund types and strategies
- Fixed income fund types and strategies
- Money market funds
- Sustainability funds
- Exchange traded funds (ETFs)
- Multi-asset fund types and strategies
- Absolute- and relative-return funds
- Real estate and commodity funds
- Definition and calculation of the Net Asset Value (NAV)
- Evaluation of fund fee structures (Calculating the Total Expense Ratio (TER))
- Direct and indirect costs of investing in funds
- Primary and secondary markets for units in funds
- Fund ratings and rankings explained
- Overview of taxation of fund investments (Switzerland, EU and UK)
- Withholding tax
- Taxation of capital gains vs. income
- The role of funds’ and investor’s location
Loans and mortgages (4)
- Economic function of banking systems
- Financial intermediation
- Characteristics of loans
- Covered vs. uncovered loans
- Credit risk management
- Types of consumer loans
- Overdraft facilities
- Leasing of consumer goods
- Bank loans
- Repayment of loans
- Lombard loans
- Significance of land register
- Real estate eligible for registration
- Easements and encumbrances
- Types of land ownership
- Key elements of real estate financing
- Valuation of real estate
- Property features and locations features
- Mortgage lending rules
- Types of mortgages
Business and company loans (7)
- Main characteristics of different legal company structures
- Sole proprietorships
- Partnerships
- Limited liability companies
- Stock companies
- Functions of the commercial register
- Market and sector positioning
- SWOT analysis
- Five Forces
- Product life cycle
- BCG matrix
- Business plan
- Structure of annual financial statements
- Balance sheet, income statement and cash-flow statement
- Importance of financial ratio analysis
- Capital and asset structure
- Liquidity analysis
- Key indicators for financial strength and profitability
- Threshold analysis for financial indicators
- Financial and liquidity planning
- Creditworthiness and ratings
- Intrinsic value
- Valuation principles and their limitations
- Earnings value
- Average value
- Discounted cash flow
- Economic profit
- Operating credit
- Overdraft facility
- Factoring
- Investment credit
- Financing vs. operating leasing
- Lombard loans
- Contingent credit
- Characteristics of guarantees
- Letter of credit
- Documentary collection
- Covenants
Structured products (6)
- What are structured products
- Recent developments and innovation
- Classifying structured products based on risk-return profile
- Role of structured products in client portfolios
- Categories of structured products (capital protection; yield enhancement; participation; leveraged)
- Mechanics of structured products
- Assessing risk-return profile of structured products
- Assessing client suitability of structured products
- What are capital protection products
- Subcategories of capital protection products
- Essential design features and function
- Risk-return profiles
- What are yield optimisation products
- Subcategories of yield optimisation products
- Essential design features and function
- Risk-return profiles
- What are participation products
- Subcategories of participation products
- Essential design features and function
- Risk-return profiles
- What are leverage products
- Subcategories of leverage products
- Essential design features and function
- Risk-return profiles
Alternative Investments (7)
- Foreign exchange markets and players
- Currency quotations
- Cross rates and arbitrage
- Exchange rate systems
- Convertibility and capital controls
- Spot transactions
- Forward and futures transactions
- Interest rate parity
- FX options
- European and American options
- FX swaps
- Non-deliverable forwards
- Precious metals as investment vehicle
- Determinants of the gold price
- Direct investments in precious metals
- Precious metals accounts
- Precious metals ETFs
- Gold mine shares
- Commodity categories
- Commodity indices
- Specific characteristics of commodity markets
- Cash vs. futures market
- Contango and backwardation
- Price determinants of commodities
- ETF and ETC
- Specific characteristics of real estate investments
- Real estate valuation
- Net present value
- Replacement cost
- Hedonic pricing
- Direct vs. indirect real estate investments
- Opportunities and risks
- Organisation and regulation
- Fee structure
- Asset strategies
- Directional strategies
- Long short strategy
- Global macro strategy
- Event-driven strategies
- Merger arbitrage
- Distressed assets
- Relative value strategy
- Funds of hedge funds
- Focus of private equity investments
- Private equity strategies
- Leveraged buyouts
- Venture capital
- Direct and indirect investments
- Mezzanine capital
- Growth capital
- Distressed assets
- Exit strategies
Wealth Planning (3)
- Three pillars of the Swiss pension system
- State pension provision
- Private (self-invested) retirement products
- Health coverage in retirement
- Role of occupational pensions in the Swiss pension system
- Essential aspects and function of occupational pensions as pillar 2 in the Swiss system
- Voluntary contributions, early payouts and early retirement
- Nature and purpose of vested benefits foundations
- Characteristics and function of foundations, trusts and insurance products in private wealth management
- Assessing the suitability of foundations, trusts and insurance products for clients (tax considerations; estate planning; restrictive legislation in home country)
- Transparency requirements
Operations, Transactions and Treasury Management (4)
- Types of accounts for private and corporate clients
- Legal framework for opening an account (due diligence)
- General terms and conditions
- Powers of attorney
- Joint account
- Custody account
- Payment transaction systems
- Features of bank transfers and direct debiting
- Use of debit and credit cards
- Means of travel cash
- Functionalities of e-banking
- Key prerequisites for using cash management services
- Cash management services
- Liquidity planning and liquidity transfer
- Investment solutions
- Benefits of cash reporting and cash pooling
- Background and objectives of Global Custody
- Basic and comprehensive Global Custody solutions
- Settlement of securities transactions
- Corporate actions
- Reporting and tax claims
- Securities Lending
- Credit services
Wealth Management Advisory (3)
- Investment advice vs. asset management
- Typical asset management return strategies (capital protection, income and growth, balanced, growth, long-term growth)
- Core-satellite approach
- Case studies
- Life cycle of the investor
- Identifying and adjusting for life events
- Liquidity planning
- Risk capacity and risk appetite by life cycle phase
- Traditional vs. behavioral finance
- Key categories of behavioral biases
- How to identify behavioral biases in yourself and your clients
- How to address behavioral biases
Digitalisation (1)
- Impact of digital innovation on financial services and products
- Digitalisation of banking services
- Big data and artificial intelligence
- Robo-advisors
- Distributed ledger technology
- Tokenisation
- Crypto banks
Sustainability (1)
- Application of ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria to sustainable products and services
- Sustainable investing and lending strategies (sustainability styles)
- Sustainability rating systems
- Bringing clients on board: Explaining the significance of sustainable investing to your clients
Intro to Global Capital Markets (1)
- This is a great introductory and interactive course, aimed at delegates who are new to financial markets
- What is financial intermediation?
- The circular flow model of the economy
- Role of banks
- Role of investment banks
- Securities markets and institutional investors
- Trends in global financial markets
Family Offices in Wealth Planning (1)
- Set of structures families can select from in order to manage and safeguard their assets
- Range of services Family Offices offer
- Insights into how Family Offices are governed
- How banks work and interact with wealthy families and their Family Offices in order to create value for them
ESG (6)
- Background
- ESG philosophy
- ESG investing
- ESG investing: drivers and challenges
- ESG investment market
- ESG investments
- ESG investment approaches
- Active versus passive ESG investments
- The importance of ESG in various financing deals
- Implementation in practice
- ESG in corporate finance
- Sustainable lending
- Regulations and reporting standards
- EU classification of ESG products
- Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)
- Reporting standards for companies (investment targets)
- Transparency in practice: Documentation and ESG Reporting
- Suitability assessment: Taking account of clients’ ESG preferences
- Swiss Banking Association ESG guidelines
- Preventing and combating Greenwashing
- ESG analysis
- ESG data
- Stewardship
- Reasons for engagement
- Engagement
- Stewardship code
Ethics, Legal, Compliance & Risk
Anti-money laundering (5)
- Compliance vs. Legal
- Compliance as a process, a organization unit and a function
- Supervision and sanctions
- National law and international regulations
- Process and phases of money laundering
- History of anti-money laundering
- Legal implications of money laundering
- Predicate offenses
- International regulations in the fight against money laundering
- AML scenarios and cases
- Due diligence obligations of financial intermediaries
- Dimensions of identification obligations
- Know-your-customer (KYC)
- Risk-based monitoring
- Suspicion of money laundering event
- Rules and principles of money laundering prevention
- Obligations when entering client relationships
- Identification of clients
- Determination of beneficial owners and controlling persons
- Increased risks
- AML scenarios and cases
- Risk classification
- Business relationships with high-risk clients, beneficial owners and controlling persons
- Politically exposed persons (PEPs)
- High-risk transactions
- Ongoing monitoring of client relationships
- Suspicion of money laundering and involvement of Compliance
- AML scenarios and cases
Codes of conduct (4)
- Principle of equal treatment of market participants
- Restrictions to proprietary market activities of employees
- Areas of confidentiality
- Insider information
- Market manipulation
- Rule violations and sanctions
- Different types of gifts
- Procedures to deal with gifts
- Guidelines to deal with inappropriate gifts
- Policy for gifts to clients
- Scenarios and cases
- Reputation and reputational risks
- Principles to safeguard reputation
- Legally permitted vs. socially tolerated behavior
- National and foreign standards
- Purpose and principles of conflict of interest policies
- Avoidance of conflicts of interest
- Disclosure and approval of conflicts of interest
- Information barriers (Chinese Walls)
- Cases and scenarios
Data security and confidentiality (2)
- Principles of data protection
- Correct handling of information and data
- Classification of information
- Proper handling of devices
- Use of E-mails, internet and mobile phones
- Working outside of the office
- Use of passwords
- Principles of confidentiality
- Objectives and scope of data security
- Bank client confidentiality
- Commercial secrecy
- Outsourcing and offshoring
Investment Suitability (1)
- Rules of conduct: honesty, good faith, professionalism
- Appropriateness and suitability
- Risk categorisation: risk capacity and risk propensity
- Opting up and opting down
- Financial products to be offered to different types of client
- Place of residence of the client
- Execution only, asset management contract and advisory mandate
Automatic exchange of information in tax matters (AEOI) (1)
- Common reporting standard
- AEOI mechanism
- Participating countries in AEOI
- Communication with clients
- AEOI scenarios and cases
Cross-border and FATCA (1)
- Principles of cross-border transactions
- Risks arising from cross-border business
- FATCA principles
- FATCA reporting models
- Criteria for US person
- Changes in US person status
Fraud Awareness (1)
- Characteristics of economic crimes
- Types of fraudulent action
- Liability and sanctions
- Preventive measures
- Fraud scenarios and cases
Fit for FinSA (1)
- Content and rationale of FinSA
- Client protection
- Financial services within the scope of FinSA
- Client segmentation
- Client profiling
- Assessment of appropriateness and suitability
- Pre-contractual information
- Basic Information Document and prospectus duty
- Execution – codes of conduct for transparency and diligence in client orders
- Documentation and accountability
- Applicability of MiFID in Switzerland
Federal Act on Data Protection (3)
- Introduction
- Reasons for a new Data Protection Act
- Personal data
- Data protection compliance and compliance organization
- Regulatory content of the new Data Protection Act
- General principles for processing personal data
- Data security
- Data Processor Obligations
- Obtaining Consent
- Measures to ensure data protection
- Logging and processing regulations
- Obligation to delete data
- List of processing activities
- Data Protection Impact Assessment
- Contractual basis with data processor (agent)
- Data exports abroad
- Data subject rights
- Swiss data protection law in relation to the GDPR
- Enforcement of data protection regulations
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